Mohamed Ali Center

Muhammad Ali Center

On June 3, 2016, Muhammad Ali, the famous athlete and a person of difficult fate died. Many of us have probably heard about Ali, but not so many heard about his life. Two years ago, Victor visited the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville (Kentucky), where one of the greatest boxer Cassius Marcellus Clay was born. Why he became Ali, what…

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Yoshkar Ola

Yoshkar-Ola is Different: “The Land of Ancestors” Festival and Gulag Museum (Russia, Mari El)

We have already shared our impressions on the major sights of Yoshkar-Ola, its debatable contemporary architecture and the ambivalent figure of the head of Mari El Republic Leonid Markelov. Yet, in addition to this major information the potential tourist should also know about two other unusual entertainments of Yoshkar-Ola: the annual “Land of Ancestors” festival (the nearest is taking place…

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Prague Zoo

Prague Zoo

Do you happen to know that Prague Zoo is acknowledged to be the best zoo in continental Europe? We decided to verify this popular statement through visiting the zoo three weeks ago during our trip to Czech Republic.

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Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve (USA), or the Story of Us Being Almost Trampled by Bisons, Eaten by Bulls, and Biten by Snakes

The US national parks provide the unique possibility to visit different climatic regions, varying with flora, fauna, and landscapes – all for free. There are eleven climatic regions on the major US territory, with steppes and deserts being the most famous. Yet, these geographical regions are widespread in other continents too, while the prairies can only be found in the…

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